Archive for the ‘immigration law’ Tag

Immigration Rallies

I received this a few days ago and it makes sense.  I especially agree with the “civil rights” argument made.

To the Editor,
As I watch the drive by media report the protest demonstrations, pro and con regarding illegal immigration at the May day rallies, I realize just how screwed up our country has become! The numbers of illegals protesting underscores the magnitude of the problem. As a nation we are devoid of principled leadership at all levels! We are rapidly committing cultural suicide!
Most members of congress are complacent about the matter of illegal immigration. Pandering for both contributions and votes. They are cheer leading the problem, rather than critically examining it and enforcing the letter of the law. Too cowardly to take a stand! It is germane to every segment of our society, but a solution escapes our leadership.
Some say that the illegals civil rights are being violated. Websters dictionary defines civil as, 1: of or relating to “citizens” of their rights . In my minds eye that says, it applies only to citizens. If you are here illegally, you have no rights. That argument is moot.
Illegals claim that all they want to do is work. I submit that we have millions of legal citizens that want to work also, and are competing for those same few jobs. Employers know that and are driving wages down. It’s common knowledge that illegals are identity thieves creating nightmares for us, with a underground economy.
With our current economic problems, our long term high unemployment rates, in addition to, drugs and  a high crime rates, we can’t tolerate any more illegal immigration. We can’t solve Mexico’s economy problems or be their welfare system. Amnesty disguised as earned citizenship is not the answer. We simply can’t afford it! PERIOD.
Bob Pritchard
9411 s. 81st. Ave.
Hickory Hills, IL. 60457
708 599 1814
Southtownstar# P-14