Is the Insurance Company Really Saving Us $$$?

True Story

I am sitting in a meeting with a local hospital.  This hospital is very reputable and ethical.  They do things the right way.  I ask the CEO, “What is my discount if I use [INSERT ANY INSURANCE COMPANY] at your hospital?”  His reply is, “55% discount”.  At this point I am thinking this sounds like I am getting a pretty good deal.  I am getting 55% off the “normal price”.

I then ask this same CEO, “What is my discount if I pay cash?” (meaning pay the hospital without them running my claim through the insurance company)  His reply, “We will give a 60% discount”.

Let me give you a second to process what just happened …..

So if I go through the insurance company my discount is 55%, but if I pay cash then my discount is 60%!!!

So my next question seems logical.  How do insurance companies arrive at the following statement?

You saved XXX dollars by using our service

The top number appears to be totally fictitious.  I think the term most insurance companies and even health care providers use is “normal and customary charges”, but how do they arrive at such a number? Look at the following example

You go in for a CAT scan.  For the sake of easy math I will use small numbers.

Insurance Company Model
CAT scan cost = $1,000
Discount = 55%
Your price = $450

Cash Price Model
CAT scan cost = $1000
Discount  = 60%
Your price = $400

OK, so now that I have concluded that the “normal and customary” number is in fact fictitious, what number should I use?  Normal logic leads me to consider the “Cash Price” number.  This is the price quoted to those that don’t have insurance right?

With this said a normal person can easily conclude that it is more expensive to use the insurance company in this example.

2 comments so far

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Huadba Network, Bryan Jackson. Bryan Jackson said: Are the insurance companies really saving us money? True Story #healthcare #insurance #reform […]

  2. Your Dad on

    so in fact is this not insurance “fraud” which the insurance companies beg you to reveal should you come across it. Another example of the fleecing of America.

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