What is the purpose of a representative?

PoliticianI was watching one of the national news shows this morning and the “White House correspondent” made a statement that took me off guard.  He was discussing the President’s health care plan and the number of votes needed to get it passed.  In the commentator’s words the issue was:

Most democrats are worried about how they will vote for the health care bill and still be able to get elected in the fall.

How unbelievably absurd is that?  Isn’t the purpose of the representative in either Congress or the Senate to represent his/her people?  If the representative carries out their primary role (to represent) then would they really need to worry about getting elected in the Fall?   Common sense would say no, but alas it doesn’t seem that common sense or pure representation play a roll in this health care debate.

It seems that term limits might be a step in the right direction.

1 comment so far

  1. […]  The most recent was called “How much is a ‘YES’ vote worth?” and  ”What is the purpose of a representative?“.  Additionally George posted a well worded article on his blog, where he witnessed first […]

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