Looking for a bluetooth headset?

I have gone through a number of bluetooth headsets.  Each one of them has been mildly good.  None were  really very comfortable and the sound quality was tolerable at best.

I recently purchased the new Aliph Jawbone Icon headset and it is hands down the best purchase I have made in some time.  For those of you that don’t know, the Jawbone is a headset that uses some fancy technology to “filter” out external noise and only transmit your voice.  It uses some technology born out of military applications or something : ).

The price is a little costly (around $100), but it is well worth the price if you are looking for something with superior sound and noise reduction.  I have used it right next to screaming kids and the caller on the other end hears only my voice!  It also comes with multiple earpieces to ensure you get a good fit.  This was really key for me since I have some weird ear pattern that must mimic an alien or something.  I have never been able to get a good fit before this ear piece.

Additionally there are downloadable applications for the headset that makes is customized and personal.  These applications include choosing the voice you hear to applications like Dial2Do.  I would anticipate more apps coming soon.

Before anybody asks, I am not on Jawbone’s payroll.  I am simply  relaying information that I thought would benefit others and taking a break from complaining about the crappy healthcare bill! LOL

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